I am currently teaching at the Goethe-University in Frankfurt, Germany, in the field of Phonetics and Phonology (working for Prof. Dr. Frank Kügler). As a student assistant, I taught at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf, Germany, between 2016 and 2019.
Current Classes
upcoming: Summer term 2025
Methoden in der Phonologie
| Goethe-University Frankfurt
upcoming: Summer term 2025
Prosody of Uralic languages (MA)
| Goethe-University Frankfurt
Winter term 2024/25
Phonologie/Phonetik Interface
| Goethe-University Frankfurt
Winter term 2024/25
Metrical Stress Theory (MA)
| Goethe-University Frankfurt
Previous Classes
Winter term 2023/24
Prosodische Hierarchie
| Goethe-University Frankfurt
Summer term 2023
Phänomene der Phonologie
| Goethe-University Frankfurt
Summer term 2023
Methoden in der Phonologie
| Goethe-University Frankfurt
Winter term 2022/23
Phonologie der germanischen Sprachen
| Goethe-University Frankfurt
Summer term 2022
Methoden in der Phonologie
| Goethe-University Frankfurt
Winter term 2021/22
Phonologie/Phonetik Interface
| Goethe-University Frankfurt
Summer term 2021
Methoden in der Phonologie
| Goethe-University Frankfurt
Winter term 2020/21
Prosodische Hierarchie
| Goethe-University Frankfurt
Summer term 2020
Phonologie der Intonation
| Goethe-University Frankfurt
Winter term 2019/20
Experimentelle Phonologie
| Goethe-University Frankfurt
Summer term 2019
Structure Course Hungarian
| HHU Düsseldorf | Teaching Assistant; Supervisor: Dr. Kata Balogh
Summer term 2018
Methodenkurs Phonetik & Phonologie
| HHU Düsseldorf | Teaching Assistant; Supervisor: Dr. Dinah Baer-Henney